My name is Henrik Holmberg and I write horror and suspense scripts - perfect for microbudget filmmaking.
A female student moves into an apartment where the previous tenant committed suicide, and soon the student feels an urge to kill herself.
Genre: Horror
Teen girls alone in a house are terrorized by an old hag wanting their blood to stay young.
Genre: Horror/slasher
Gamblers are taken prisoners and are forced to gamble for their lives.
Genre: Suspense/horror
A man tries to cure his loneliness by hiring a fake-family, but soon he wants to kill them just like he once killed his real family.
Genre: Suspense/horror
When a teen student returns to her childhood home - her parents are missing, and soon she's stalked by someone unknown.
Genre: Horror/suspense
If you want to read a script - just send me an email and let me know:
How much does a script cost to buy? 4 % of your movie's budget.
In an apartment a depressed goth-girl, ABIGAIL (18) commits suicide by slicing her wrist with a kitchen knife.
Now we meet our heroine, EMMA (17). She's a sweet-natured student living in a house with her alcoholic MOM (42). Emma wants to get a life of her own so she meets with a LANDLORD (49) and rents a furnished apartment in town. This is the same apartment where the suicide happened. At first Emma is happy living by herself, but soon she gets depressed and stops going to school. She has a nightmare about finding a pool of blood on the floor.
An OLD LADY (68) in the building tells the truth about the apartment - that a suicide happened there.
Emma has another nightmare, this time about committing suicide herself with a kitchen knife.
Emma searches the internet and finds information that negative energy can remain in an apartment after a suicide - and affect the next tenant.
Mom wants her to move back home and Emma agrees. As they're packing Emma tries to slice her own wrist with a knife, but mom intercepts and saves Emma.
As Emma moves back into mom's house the depression goes away.
Meanwhile the landlord lets another girl, REBECCA (18) rent the apartment. Soon she gets depressed. Emma warns her about the apartment, but Rebecca doesn't believe her. Later Rebecca kills herself with a kitchen knife. Emma is devastated that she couldn't save her life.
Emma confronts the landlord and makes him promise to let the apartment stay empty from now on. But the landlord lied and lets another girl, NATALIE (17) rent the apartment.
Emma warns Natalie about the negative energy in the apartment, but Natalie performs a cleansing ritual with salt that's supposed to get rid of bad energy.
But it doesn't work.
Natalie gets depressed and changes her appearance into a goth-girl, just like Abigail.
Natalie now slits her wrist with a knife. Emma tries to save her but gets suicidal herself and cuts her own wrist.
It looks like an unhappy ending with both Emma and Natalie lying on the floor, bleeding, dying.
But Emma finds the power to rise to her feet. She leaves the apartment carrying Natalie in her arms.
Both Emma and Natalie survive. A happy ending after all.
In the final scene the landlord enters the apartment and gets depressed. Moments later he slashes his wrist.
The End
In a remote house in the countryside ELISABETH (19) is home alone, awaiting the arrival of her friends. But someone unknown sneaks around outside clutching a sharp SICKLE. Soon Elisabeth's throat is SLICED by this unseen killer!
Now we meet our heroine, innocent ZARA (17). She gets treated like she's not worth anything by her bossy big sister HOLLY (19). Zara is forced to be designated driver for Holly and her friends AUDREY, SKYLAR and NAOMI. They’re going to spend the day at Elisabeth's house, but she's missing when they arrive.
Zara glimpses an old lady outside in the distance, dressed in black, with a sharp sickle in her hand. A large hat hides her face.
The others try to spook Zara by claiming the old lady might be a famous legend: the serial killer Madame Blood. She only kills young women, wanting to drink their blood to try and stay young.
But the legend seems all too real when Audrey is MURDERED, her throat slashed! And the killings continue. Skylar is next to DIE! Now there's no doubt about it - Madame Blood is real! She wants to drink their blood!
Naomi tries to flee but is SLAUGHTERED outside by the ruthless killer!
Zara realizes the car key has been stolen, so they can't use the car to escape. She calls 911 and the sheriff is on his way.
Zara and her sister Holly barricade themselves inside a room to stay safe. When the sheriff finally arrives they feel brave enough to leave the room - only to discover the sheriff just got KILLED!
Holly is now attacked by Madame Blood!
Zara focuses on saving her sister, giving her mouth to mouth. It's successful. Holly is alive.
In the final battle Madame Blood's face is now seen for the first time. She's an old hag. Hideous. Wrinkled. Intense staring eyes. Blood smeared around her grinning mouth.
She heaves Zara to the floor - pressing the sickle to her throat. Zara will die in a second unless she can distract the killer.
Zara now flatters Madame Blood by saying "You don't need more blood. You look so young" The flattery works. Madame Blood rises to her feet and looks at her own reflection in the mirror. Disappointed she sees her old wrinkled face in the mirror.But the distraction gives Zara time to crawl away.She reaches for the dead sheriff's gun and SHOOTS Madame Blood! It takes several shots before the killer finally DIES!
Zara and Holly are both survivors as they're carried away on stretchers by medics.
In the final scene the killer's body rests inside a body bag, but a flicker of movement inside the bag makes us unsure if Madame Blood might be alive after all.
The end
SCOTT is a gambling addict. He lives with his caring wife and cute baby. He's made many promises to quit gambling, but he never follows through.
One day he gets kidnapped by a HENCHMAN who takes him to a house where MR BLITZ awaits. Mr Blitz is a loan shark Scott owes 150.000 dollars.
In the house Scott is joined by other kidnapped gamblers who also owe Mr Blitz lots of money.
Mr Blitz explains he's given up on them. He knows they'll never pay him back. But now he wants some entertainment in return. He puts them through games of chance and pure luck. The loser in each round gets SHOT to death by the henchman! In the end only one person will be left alive - and he gets to walk away debt-free.
In the first round the gamblers have to roll a dice each. The person who rolls the lowest number gets shot.
The next round includes a roulette wheel. If the ball lands on red you live - if it lands on black you die.
When Scott tries to escape a GOON waits outside and captures Scott at gunpoint.
Scott is brought inside the house again and the games of chance continue - including a lottery, drawing straws, trying to "find the lady" among three playing cards, betting on which team will win a hockey game, and guessing which hand holds a coin.
One by one the gamblers get shot as they lose each game. In the end only Scott remains alive. As he tries to walk away to freedom - he gets SHOT in the back. Mr Blitz broke his promise. He says "You didn't really think I would let you walk out of here alive, did you?"
Scott is wounded but he manages to overpower Mr Blitz and his goons and take their GUNS. Scott is now in control. He decides to put Mr Blitz and his goons through games of chance as well. The loser in each round Scott will SHOOT.
First up is "spin the bottle" and the person the bottle points to gets shot.
Next they have to cut a deck of cards. If they cut to a red card they live - if they cut to a black card they die.
And finally coin toss. If the coin lands heads up you live - tails up you die.
The goons die, but Mr Blitz survives. He thinks he can walk away alive. Scott SHOOTS him and says "You didn't really think I would let you walk out of here alive, did you?"
Scott returns home to his wife and baby. He deletes his gambling accounts on his computer. He's decided to stop gambling for good.
The end
ISAAC (40) is tired of being alone so when he sees a commercial for an agency called "Family for hire" he contacts them. They rent out actors pretending to be family members.
Two actors, GRACE (41) and MILA (18), arrive at Isaac's house - pretending to be his wife and teen daughter. But soon Isaac wants to keep them forever. When they try to leave he threatens to kill them.
Now it's revealed Isaac KILLED his REAL wife and daughter because they were trying to leave him. "No one leaves me!" he says.
Isaac even forces Mila to have the same hairstyle as his real daughter - the hair in a bun held in place with a hair pin.
Grace and Mila now fear they're next to be murdered and replaced. When they try to escape Isaac attacks them with a corkscrew, and he leaves them for dead in the basement.
Isaac contacts the agency and gets them to send new actors. JOSEPHINE (43) and AURORA (19) arrive, pretending to be his wife and daughter.
In the basement Mila awakens - she's not dead!
She manages to knock Isaac out with a hammer and stabs him with a knife.
She explains the situation to Josephine and Aurora. They all decide to escape in a hurry.
But now Isaac is back on his feet again. He begs for them not to leave.
Josephine and Aurora jump into their car and drive off. They manage to get away alive.
In the final battle Isaac catches up with Mila. He heaves her down to the ground. He starts strangling her.Mila now grabs the hair pin in her hair. She shoves the hair pin into Isaac's EYE! He finally lets go of her.
Mila escapes in her car.
Isaac crawls after the car. It's his death-struggle. His last words are "Don't leave me..." Then he dies.
In the last scene the commercial for "Family for hire" is seen again. The commercial seems so innocent in contrast to the terrifying events that just took place.
The End
Our story starts 5 years ago. A GIRL home alone in a rural house gets creepy text messages from a stalker, and soon the girl is killed.
Now it's present day. Our heroine ELLA (17) is a student in a big city. She has pepper spray in a drawer for protection.
When she returns home to her parents' house in the countryside - she can't find mom or dad anywhere. They're missing.
Soon Ella gets weird text messages on her phone from an unknown stalker.
Her ex-boyfriend RICHARD (17) arrives at the house. He tries to help her figure out where her parents are.
They talk to the SHERIFF (52) who doesn't believe there's any foul play involved. He thinks the parents will show up soon.
A NEIGHBOR (51) returns a lawn mower he borrowed. Ella asks him if he knows where her parents are. He doesn't. Richard is suspicious of him.
Ella gets more creepy messages from her stalker, and she even accuses Richard of sending them, but he denies it.
Terror escalates when Ella's parents are found DEAD underneath a tarp in the garden!
Ella calls 911 and is told the sheriff is on his way.
Richard now gets KILLED by the stalker!
The sheriff arrives, searches the house, but soon disappears. Did something bad happen to him?
The neighbor wants to save Ella by taking her to his house. Ella gets suspicious and refuses
Now the neighbor gets KILLED by the stalker.
The stalker's identity is finally revealed. It's the SHERIFF. He's been killing girls in the area for a long time. And now it's Ella's turn.
But Ella escapes the house and flees in her parents' car.
She returns to her apartment in the city, but the sheriff finds her.
She sprays him with pepper spray and manages to take his gun. When he attacks her she SHOOTS him. The sheriff is now DEAD.
In the final scene Ella has a nightmare that's she's stalked by the sheriff again. She realizes that the scary memories will haunt her forever.
The End